How to let children develop their metaphysical talents in a fun way. 3 october 2017

Children are more metaphysical (spiritual) open than adults.
They use this more as it is more natural for children, but when children get older
and don’t get the understanding that they need, they shut themselves down.

(Of course play vaccinations, nutrition and medication a part in this, but i keep it out of this artikel.)

By training children at an early age in a fun way, is the best way to help them understand themselves.

The best way in this is drawing as far as i know at this moment.
Drawing is easy for children and they like it to get creative.
So get those pencils and the fingerpaint and let’s get creative.

1) Let the child make a drawing.
It can be anything from something that happened, a play moment with friends, a situation in where the child is with a family member or just what feels right at that moment.
The child can draw something that he finds exciting..

2) When the child is drawing, you can sit next to the child and draw yourself to or wait until the child is done.

Before we get started, you need to know some groundwork.
This will help you understand to work with the child in a fun and child friendly way.
(Children will love this because you are at their level new with there feelings and thought process.)

Between all the chakra’s there are 3 power centers.
The Pineal Gland (the center in where you can “SEE” in many realities and dimensions…predicting dreams, deja vu, seeing things that others don’t see.)
The Hartchakra (the center in where you can “FEEL” and where you’re emotions are, but to in where you pick up emotions from others…in where you can empathise with somebody else)
The Solar Plexus (the center in where you ‘KNOW” things and you KNOW that they are right…you can feel it in your gut.)

We will train all 3 of them and will talk about it with the children.
I will recommend you to do some homework about the chakra’s so that you have a better basic understanding about these 3 chakra’s.
Only 30 minutes on Google can give you a good understanding about this.

We all have these 3 power centers in us, but everybody have their own individual mix in where one power centrum is stronger than the other and it normal.

During or after drawing, you can sit down and talk to the child.
Let the child tell himself about the drawing no matter how crazy it sounds.
Let them tell all about it, it is really important.

After the child is done talking about it, of when you feel there is a healthy entrance
is to ask questions to the child, you can start to ask how the child is feeling about the drawing.
Let the child talk about from its own feelings because new the child is talking from its own heart-chakra where the feelings are.

Ask the child in what it is seeing on the drawing, but more important is what is NOT on the drawing.
New you are turning to the pineal gland of the child and are softley training it.
The child can tell anything it is seeing.

Than ask in what the child is feeling.
Are there anything that the child feels in this?
How is this child feeling with grandpa, or white mama or white santa claus or even the easter bunny.
No matter how irrational it may sound.

In everything, don’t limit yourself to only the drawing.
On the drawing, there are more objects, backgrounds, the sun, rainbows, clouds, grandpa, grandma, friends, pets and much more.
Work on all 3 power centers.

By doing this regulair, you are working on the background on the power centers of the child in a funny and playful way.
But don’t slow them down because it is not in your beleef system.

You can do these drawings when the child is upset, overstimulated or sad.
When the moment is there, you can let them draw.
(When children are to upset that only comforting them is helping, it is not the right time.
When a child is overstimulated because autism, the child need at first place protecting to prevent hurting themselfs.
In everything, use your common sense and look when it can and when it is not possible.)

And you need always to adjust yourself to the perspective of the child and not from the logic of an adult.
Of course it is healthy to find some logic in it, but don’t limit yourself because the fantasy of the child does not match to your thought process..

In time the child will become better in it and the bond between the child and you wil become stronger.
You can transform the drawing to real life in where you ask the same question about tree’s, animals, family members, friends, school, and many other situations.

This can be a good tool for a child who always get sick when grandpa comes over, because an emotional problem can trigger diarrhea..
By talking to the child on their level, is one way you can find out why the child always gets sick when grandpa comes over for a visit.
Children can pick up easy, stord old hurt and emotions from others in where the picks this up and get sick itself.

Don’t do this at the moment when grandpa is over, but find a quiet moment on another day and investigate together with the child in where the problem could be.
Children are more emphatic than adults because children are weaker than adults and they need to be sure who is safe to be around and who not.
This is an old survival-instinct that children still have and that we need to respect.
So it is for any age that children respond to this.
And sometimes children just don’t know, it can happen to.
Or a little later in where the child realises what is going on can happen.
This technique will not always answer your question.

At the moment that you both mastered this technique of drawing and can both talk free about it, you can apply this outside the home.
What are the feelings that a child have about a big strong old tree in the yard?
Or that sweet babysitter? Why feels the child so at peace with the babysitter? (It is almost always the fun things that a babysitter do with the child, that the child loves.)
How is that goat feeling in the petting zoo?
If you can imagine it, the child will find a way to adjust to your question.
The child shifts his own focus to the object/living thing and that is a big and huge improvement for the child.)

But everything takes time and dedication.
There are no rules that you can follow, but you always have to think outside the box.
Boxes are no longer needed in this situation.

It can happen that a child is afraid of it’s own bedroom because there is a “monster” in there or something else that scares them.
At this moment, coloring will not help but the best way is to go with them to the bedroom and check for monsters and leave a nightlight on for the child.
But you can draw when the child comes back from school the next day.
Let the child collor about the monster in his room.
Talk about it during coloring.
If the monster feels scary, ask the child why the monster feels scary.
Ask the child if it can feel the emotions of the monster.
What is the monster seeing himself with his eye’s?
Is there something that the monster wants to tell itself?

It is not always a monster, but it could be a soul from a past life to check up on the child.
Remember that your child, was an adult in its last life and had friend there to.
It can even be somebody from another planet or a spirit guide.

That is why it is always important to keep asking the child because the child can give a good answer, but it will not always be a success the first try.

Maybe this monster wants to pass on a message, but because the child is afraid it was not able to transfer the message.
And who knows what way this can swing.

In case it is a negative soul/monster, call in humans who can remove it or look online how you can remove it yourself.

This can help when a child is sick.
To begin with..Always bring your child to a doctor to make sure the child is fine.
But let the child draw its own pain.
Most of the time the pain comes from stress, and that can trigger diarrhea or an ear infection.
By listening to the source of the pain, the child will become less sick.
(I do talk about normal children-sickness that all children undergo and create discomfort.)
A healthy diet and playing outside, next to a save surrounding in where the child can be a child is always a healthy way to start.
You can not let a kid draw who is in great pain and upset.
Always make a drawing when the child can be itself.

With all these techniques, you will train your child in a playful way to become more metaphysical strong.
And at the moment you work with your child this way, you are training yourself to.

Dutch translation:

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